Tuesday, April 24

You Have a Gift

sa jail maharaji speakingThe following is Part Two of interactions between Prem Rawat and Peace Education students at the Dominguez State Jail in San Antonio,Texas.

PEP Student PC: I’ve been doing time now for about 25 years, and I’ve been down 6 times. You know, you don’t hear these kind of messages on the outside because we never really have time to really sit down and calm ourselves and listen to messages like this, so here we are. We’re in prison and we get to hear these messages and then we see the positiveness in it.

I see in you a warrior. When you spoke to the UN, and I understand that the world needs peace, and you told them that the world doesn’t need peace, you need peace.
What were you thinking when you walked into the UN of all places, to talk about peace? I mean, we’re talking about people that are ruling the world, and here you come with this message. What were you hoping would come out of that?
Prem Rawat: Well, just like every event I do, I did not have a prepared speech. I want to come and speak as a human being to human beings. Yes, I could say a lot of things, but all that’s going to be is ‘you know what.’
sa jail maharajiWhat I am saying is nothing new. Look at history. Prosperity without peace is chaos. Absolute chaos. Because it has no sense of direction, no dignity, no understanding. To me, my message is for everyone. It is such a misconception when people say, “We need world peace.” Once we say that, we can say, “I’m exempt. I don’t need it; the world needs it.” We all need peace. Each one of us has a potential; each one of us is a participant in peace.
The day I have to dress up my speech because I’m speaking at the UN or some such, I don’t even want to be there. I just was in the European Parliament, and from the recording you wouldn’t know that it was European Parliament and not this facility. What I say has to come from my heart.
PEP Student SM: I’ve been coming to your class for a little over a month, and I’ve been incarcerated most of my life. I’ve seen psychologists, gone to drug classes. The majority of my life I blamed other people. From coming to your class, I finally realized to look at myself and that true peace comes from myself. And I just want to say thank you. People tell me now they see me smile, and they want to be around me.
Prem Rawat: When you look at yourself, be surprised, because while there may be some bad stuff, there is some beautiful stuff there. Be surprised by that. That’s probably what brings a lot of smiles to your face; it’s really beautiful.
We’re not the factory rejects because we got put into the mold a little bit differently. Nobody is. You have a gift that can touch so many people in a beautiful way—every one of you. We can make good decisions in our life that can make beautiful things happen.
I know you’re in this environment, and it’s probably not very friendly; it is what you make of it. There are people who have more money than they know what to do with, and some of them are more discontented than you are right now. I hope you found something beautiful in you, and that you will continue for the rest of your life to keep discovering that. And I hope that you shape your life. Not somebody else—that you stand on your feet. The problem with leaning on others is that when they are removed, you fall. That’s precisely why you have two legs. Use them both. Stand on your own feet.
I’m very honored that I was invited by all of you, and if I get another opportunity, I’ll certainly try to make time to come back. What some of you have told me, I will remember for the rest of my life because it truly, truly touches me. I wish you all the success because you’re capable of that. You can transform into something just like that lion and roar. And feel joy and feel happiness. Not sadness.

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